

As we embrace yet another wave of lockdowns, quarantine and border closures — spiralling into the wits of uncertainty can make you feel drained and unenthusiastic to go about daily life. To help free you of this vicious cycle, we have created a TKA guide to help you navigate your time in lockdown without losing who you are in the process. Here are 8 things you can do during lockdown:


Take this time to visualise a brighter future by getting creative with your goals for the next 6 months. This will help you remain optimistic as well as tune into your creative spirits. Grab some magazines, paper and a pen and start writing down your goals (come back to it at the end of the year to see what you achieved).


Use this time to capitalise on all the things you said you wanted to do for yourself but never had the time to do. Whether it’s more face masks, podcasts or catching up on your favourite TV shows — we all have something we genuinely enjoy, and makes us feel good about ourselves. Now is the perfect time to do more of it!


What better time to start engaging with your audience? Create videos, get personal and check in with your followers. This is a great opportunity to strengthen the emotional connection that you share with individuals who resonate with your brand.


We cannot control or foresee what the future holds, but we do have the power to control our breathing and immerse ourselves in the present moment. Embrace each day as it comes.


How many times have you postponed a home DIY or project because of work commitments? Now that you are WFH, there is no better time to declutter, organise your wardrobe, pantry, and respond to all those emails you haven’t had time to get to. Do not underestimate the power of an organised environment and the way it can make you feel.

6 - BAKE

Baking is a good mindfulness task that can help you relax (and, of course, goes down a treat too). Grab your kids or partner and enjoy a bonding session in the kitchen.


Sometimes when we shift our perspective to all the blessings we truly have, we can grasp how small our “problems” really are. Try journaling 5-10 things you are grateful for each day, and you will realise that this lockdown is perhaps a blessing in disguise.

8 - READ

Books have a profound way of helping you travel to another realm (not physically ofcourse, but you know what we mean). Pick up that book you’ve been holding off and take your mind to a whole new world

So, there you have it — a TKA guide to coping in lockdown. These unprecedented times are challenging, but it’s how we deal with them that displays how we are coping, and ultimately how we make our way through them. If you find yourself frequently snapping at those you love, finding it extremely difficult to focus, or always depending on things like alcohol or food to feel “good”or numb your emotions, it is generally an indication that you need to treat your well-being as a priority. Remember to take care of yourself and stay safe!


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