Change Is the Law of The Universe & Embracing the Flow Is A Dance with Life


“Heraclitus, I believe, says that all things pass, and nothing stays and comparing existing things to the flow of a river, he says you could not step twice into the same river.” – Plato.

We all know change is a catalyst for growth and personal development. But how many of us actually embrace this notion without feeling unsettled? I mean it’s so much easier to shy away and remain in a place of familiarity – one where you don’t need to venture out and seek the unknown. Why change if things are already working, right? Our latest project has had us embrace all kinds of change, and we have never felt so in tune with Mother Nature’s rhythm.

Since the beginning of time, change has been recognised as a consonant. This notion of things being in a state of “flux” is very evident in the marketing industry. For us, this means our brand and projects need to stay relevant and innovative. Okay – so how do we stay fresh and relevant you might ask? Dare we say it; rebranding! From a marketing perspective, a rebrand in business is often an exciting idea – however, it requires much thought before executing. The thing about rebrands is that it can often reap negative repercussions instead of benefiting the business. With this risk in mind, you might be asking why we decided to dive into a brand revamp?

Before we get into the why – we need to explain the two types of rebrands. There is what is known as a ‘reactive rebrand’. Reactive rebrands are a response to a situation or series of events. The second type of rebrand is called a ‘proactive rebrand’, which is calculated and planned based on strategy. You can think of a rebrand similar to the three main factors that cause a change in your life; choice, chance and crisis. In our case, we have navigated towards a proactive rebrand. We have decided that it’s time to set ourselves apart from other marketing agencies and showcase our novel quality. We are also offering new services to help us reach new audiences, so rebranding is totally necessary for us to expand our horizons. Let’s face it; if your brand doesn’t speak the same language as your target audience, there will be no common ground.

We had to be mindful of our current client base when we set out to enhance our brand identity. We wanted to remain relevant to our existing client base and appeal to our new target audience.

We loved our dance with change! It was exciting, exhausting, and we had so much fun bringing our new vision to life. We hope this blog post will inspire you to embrace change from where it might present itself in your life.

Before you close this tab – remember to let the flow of the river carry you to new destinations you are supposed to visit.


P: 0406 282 872


E: Info@thekollectivagency.com.au